Special Care Advocates In Dentistry
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SAID: Special Care Advocates In Dentistry

Create New Website User Account

SAID would like to provide our members with the most current member information. In order to do so, we are requiring that all SAID members create a new website account.

You may choose your own username / password for future use. After you create your new SAIDdent.org account, you will be able to access the member list and forum - and update your information as well!

Using the form below, please create your new account, you only have to do this once, afterwards you can simply log in with your new information.


Create New Account
* = Required
* First Name
A value is required.
* Last Name
A value is required.  
* Address
A value is required.
Suite / PO
* City
A value is required.  
* Zip
A value is required.  
* Email
A value is required.  
* Username
A value is required.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.   min 3 / max 12 characters.
* Password
A value is required.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.  min 3 / max 12 characters.
  I understand that I may receive announcment emails from SAID as well as forum posts and updates.



2023 - 2024 © Special Care Advocates in Dentistry
American Dental Assocation Specialized Care Co SCDA